Stop sticking your head in the sand
Now what?
Maybe on some delusional level, you might even consider sticking your head in the sand like an ostrich. And this never works.
Let me explain why…
Once you are in shit, it stands to reason that the ground around you is no longer sand.
Doesn’t sound as appealing now, does it?
All you are doing is surrounding yourself with more shit, and your mind gets full of mud.
And as we all know, mud is not clear.
You will gain fuck all insight with your head in the ground.
In addition, think about this…
When your head is in the ground, by default your arse is now in the air.
You are effectively exposed now!
Vulnerable. Weak. Powerless.
And showing the world a side of you, they probably don’t want to see.
The Ostrich method does not work.
Believe me, I have tried it myself.
So get your head out of the sand, put your ass firmly on the ground, and reach out.