Start practicing saying NO
Say what YOU want to say.
Do what YOU want to do.
It's YOUR life. Live it authentically.
Don't let other people's opinions control how you show up in the world.
You will be amazed how one small, polite "no" could alter the course of your life...
Let THAT sink in...
When you have clear boundaries and good communication, life becomes a lot lighter.
Start practicing saying "NO" to the things that don't resonate with you.
It's not easy at first. Just start small.
Practice in front of a mirror.
Look at your reflection, say "NO" and check if your facial expression conveys what you are saying.
Adjust facial expressions, and repeat a few times.
Just practice, and see how good it makes you feel.
Try it a few times over the weekend, preferably in private, so that nobody thinks you have lost your mind.
Sending love and light,