
As little girls, we loved to listen to stories.
We grew up listening to fairy tales, that ended with:
“And they lived happily ever after. The End.”

Sadly, this is not the ending that many mistresses encounter.
In fact, it doesn't only happen to mistresses, as I have discovered over the years. But I digress...

Yes, for some the dream DOES come true, and their stories DO have a happy ending.

Some are led on for years and years, with empty promises.
Some are told the relationship has to end, and they are given some sort of closure.

However, many women who end up in the horrible web of lies and deceit, that is all part of becoming a man’s mistress, the end is often swift and seems heartless.

I never fully understood what “ghosting” meant until I met Lily.

I thought it was just a term from the modern-day online dating app world. You know, meet up on a dating app, decide to get together for an in-person chat, and then never hear from that person again, like EVER! That’s kinda callous and cold in my books.

Can’t you at least tell the other person you are just not a good fit? I really don’t know how all this modern dating shit works, so I don’t understand the right or wrong way of doing things in that world.

But for someone like Lily, ghosting had a whole different meaning. And for me it was a real eye-opener.

She was telling me about her affair with a married man. The love of her life. The man of her dreams. The person she was certain she would one day marry.

They had a dream of a future together. Plans they had discussed. How he was going to be a free man to commit fully to her. How he was going home that night to tell his wife, and that he would see her the next day. And that after almost five years of sneaking around, they would be able to start their life together in the open.

That was the plan…
And that was the last time she ever heard from him again.

At first she thought something horrible had happened to him. She was anxious, stressed, going out of her mind. No phone calls. No messages. Nothing.

And slowly she began to realise, that she had been blocked completely. No social media. Whatsapp messages not going through. Phone calls going straight to voicemail. She had been completely cut off, overnight.

She was a broken woman when she came through my door, and it was the first time I truly understood what ghosting actually meant. It was ruthless. It was spineless. It was cold.

And I was perplexed…
What the actual fuck???


Gaining Clarity


I don’t know who I am anymore