Secrets are like viruses
One of the things that keeps us locked in shame, is SECRECY.
There are so many mistakes that people make on a daily basis, and they are able to laugh about them, or speak openly about them.
There is no fucking SECRET.
It’s out in the open, and as such, it is dealt with quickly.
So why is it that relationships and affairs are always shrouded in secrecy?
Why the hushed whispers when discussing it?
Why is an affair held in such a taboo light?
And why do people still speak in hushed tones when discussing a friend or colleague?
And it’s so fucking obvious when they are talking about you!!!
People lean in towards each other, some try to hold a hand over their mouth, and look down, as they whisper:
“Ooh, here she comes. That’s the girl who cheated on her partner.”
“She’s the slut who had an affair.”
“He’s the chap who couldn’t keep it in his pants.”
It’s as if infidelity is a contagious disease, floating around looking for its next victim.
And maybe if we whisper, infidelity won’t hear us or see us, and will pass by and not affect us.
How are you meant to move on, if you can’t even find someone you trust enough to talk to?
How do you gain perspective and find CLARITY and direction, when everybody is talking about you, and not TO you?
You CAN’T!!
Your fight or flight mode switch has been flipped, and all hell is breaking loose.
You need to STOP. Gather yourself. Sort out YOUR thoughts and feelings.
You need CLARITY. And I can help you with this.