Feeling like an Octopus

When it comes to fuck ups in relationships, everybody becomes a professor.

Emotions run high.
Friends and family take sides.
Well meaning people give you unsolicited advice, along the lines of what THEY would do in your situation.

But here’s the thing…
They are not YOU.
They often don’t have the full story.
They often assume things.
They have their own agendas for what they want the outcome to be.
They might even turn on you, based on their OWN feelings.

Believe me when I say the LESS people you talk to, the better.

You need to figure out what YOU are feeling, what YOU are thinking, and what YOU want.

But how do you do this when you are feeling confused and overwhelmed?
How do you do this when you are ducking and diving?
How do you do this when you can’t even think straight?

How on earth are you ever going to get CLARITY of your own situation, when you are feeling like an octopus, being pulled in different directions.

You can’t.
YOU know this.
I know this.
We all know this.
And yet we continue to struggle.

What you need is a CLARITY session, to figure out what the best decision is going to be for YOU.

And from there, from a place of clarity, you WILL make better decisions.


Secrets are like viruses


The Kettle