The Power of ONE.
The Power of ONE.
Yes, we’ve all heard the expression. But I want you to REALLY think about it…
You just need ONE thought,
or ONE emotion,
or ONE action,
or ONE person to believe in you.
ONE person willing to listen.
ONE person to hold you.
ONE person to tell you it’s going to be okay.
Just ONE… That is all…
Until she experienced the power of one for herself, it was just another expression. Just another number to play with… 3… 2… 1…
It took 3 years of trying (and failing) to repair the damaged relationship.
It took 2 more years of staying in a relationship that was doomed, because of her own SHAME, and because she was “doing it for the kids”.
And it took ONE incident, to flip the switch and find the courage to leave.
ONE incident that finally pushed her to say out loud, “ENOUGH!” And she turned her back, filled with fear, and walked away.
The incident? Actually the nature of the incident is irrelevant here. What IS relevant is the THOUGHT that went through her mind at the time…
“What if this was MY DAUGHTER, standing HERE, being treated THIS WAY? Being shamed, humiliated, and degraded. What if I saw this happening to HER? Would I ALLOW that?
And she knew her answer!!!
It was like a lightning bolt. What legacy was she leaving? What example was she setting? What future damage was she permitting, by not taking action? Her motherly instinct became stronger than her own fear. Just in that ONE thought.
She had realized and experienced the power of ONE. And there was no turning back!
It was powerful, and liberating, and scary all at the same time!
So when you are in a difficult place, remember the power of ONE….
I urge you, in the next few days, think about this “power of ONE”.
How could the power of ONE work for you?
What would the ONE be?
A thought? An emotion? An action? A friend? A child?
Don’t force it… Just let it tickle in the back of your mind.
It WILL come…
Your new beginning…
YOUR power of ONE.
And remember, you are not alone!!