Do I stay or do I go

When speaking to women who have been caught in the trap of being somebody’s mistress, one of the BIG questions I am regularly asked is:
“Do I STAY, or do I GO?”

Yes, I can hear a bunch of you yelling: “GO you silly woman!”
Or: “Leave him the fuck alone!”
Or worse: “Go find your own man you bitch!”

Well, that attitude ain’t gonna help anybody.

In fact, those types of comments often have the opposite effect.

Sadly there is no easy answer that I can pull out of the rabbit hat.

Each situation is different.
Each woman is different.
Each man involved in her life is different.

And each secret relationship develops from its own unique set of circumstances.

Whether you should STAY OR GO is something only YOU can decide.

But how can you make a decision, when you have no one to talk to?
Who CAN you talk to about your secret?
Who can you TRUST?
Who WON’T JUDGE you?
Who won’t shove THEIR OPINION down your throat?
Who could possibly be UNBIASED, NEUTRAL or have a BALANCED VIEW?

And even if you DO have a close friend, who is all of the above, is it really FAIR ON THEM to drop a bomb about your secret lover?

I have seen great friendships, blow apart, when secrets are shared or have to be kept.

Remember, having a secret is like playing with fire.
Try to pass it on and you risk burning someone else.
Hold on to it and you'll eventually get burned.

If you have reached a point, and you are not sure what to do or who to talk to, I would like to invite you to book a private 1:1 S.O.G. Intensive session with me.

What is a S.O.G. Session?
I’m glad you asked!

S.O.G. stands for Stay Or GO.

And I have created these sessions specifically for women who have been caught in the trap of being somebody’s mistress.


She didn’t even see it coming


The effects of being Blindsided