There is never an easy way out

I wish I could tell you there's an easy way out of your situation, but there's not.

When you are in a relationship with a married man, there is NEVER an easy way out.

And the longer you stay, the harder it gets to make a decision.
I know you feel stuck. I’ve been here too. And it sucks.

It’s all just so overwhelming.
You are afraid. You are confused. You are frustrated.
You are ashamed. You are heartsore. You are alone.

You know you need to make a decision, one way or the other.
You can’t carry on like this for another month or another year.
It is draining you and isolating you.

You need some guidance. You need someone to talk to.
You need someone to help you make sense of it all.

Wouldn’t it feel nice to know you could walk into the new year, feeling FEARLESS and FREE?

I encourage you to start taking your power back.
I encourage you to start making decisions about your life, instead of leaving your fate in the hands of others.
I encourage you to find the courage to make a change, that will lead to the life that you deserve.

No more hiding. No more doubt. No more lonely weekends.

It’s time.
And you know this deep down inside of you.


What you allow is what will continue


You are not alone