Half a Relationship
“It’s better to have nobody, than to have somebody who is half there.”
Really? Who makes this shit up?
Clearly someone who has never been in half a relationship!!
And what the heck IS “half a relationship?”
Who gets to decide what half a relationship looks like?
Try explaining “half a relationship” to the young intern who has never had a FULL one.
Try explaining “half a relationship” to the young executive who only has half a life anyway because she is working her ass off to make it in the corporate world.
Try explaining “half a relationship” to the single mother, who is always exhausted and thinks she looks like shit half the time.
Try explaining “half a relationship” to the woman who has made it to the top of her game, after climbing for years, only to discover her biological clock is running out.
For a vulnerable woman, “half a relationship” can feel like the whole damn package.
Just saying…